
 Mt.Youteizan is Mt.Fujisan of Hokkaido. There is a crater on the top. In the spring, at the bottom of the crater, swamp of snow melt water will appear. There are four trails to the peak. When you go down the mountain, Be careful not to do the mistaken trail came to climb.
 MAKKARI(真狩) trail:It is a popular trail. There is a campground to trailhead. There is also a hot spring near the trailhead. The corse takes about 5hours to hike up to the summit,and 4hours for the return tirp.
 HIRAFU(比羅夫) trail:you can camp trailhead, also Lake.Hangetsuko stroll.The corse takes about 4hours to hike up to the summit,and 3hours for the return tirp.
 KYOUGOKU(京極) trail:Trail extends linearly.There are hot springs near the trailhead.The corse takes about 4hours to hike up to the summit,and 3hours for the return tirp.
 KIMOBETU(喜茂別) trail:Trailhead is hard to understand.Climbing road with linearly.The corse takes about 4hours to hike up to the summit,and 3hours for the return tirp.
 Map of GSI GPS track Map of Google
view from Makkari Flower Center
view of The Niseko mountain range
Pond named Hosigaike
view of Lake Toyako
Beneath the summit
Crater wall
Crater wall
swamp of snow melt water
swamp of snow melt water
swamp ofheart-shaped made fresh snow melts
Inside the crater
swamp of heart-shaped made fresh snow melts
(シマリス:simarisu in Japanese)

Flowers of alpine plants

rhododendron aureum
(キバナシャクナゲ:kibanashakunage in Japanese)
H.kamtschticum <July 29, 2014>
(ハイオトギリ:haiotogiri in Japanese)
A.margaritacea<July 29, 2014>
(ヤマハハコ:yamahahako in Japanese)
S.virga aurea v. leiocarpa<July 29, 2014>
(ゴガネギク:koganegiku in Japanese)
Chamaepericlymeum canadensis <July 29, 2014>
(ゴゼンタチバナ:gozentachibana in Japanese)
G. triflora v. montana <July 29, 2014>
(エゾオヤマリンドウ:ezooyamarindo in Japanese)
H.kamtschticum <July 29, 2014>
(ヨツバシオガマ:yotubasiogama in Japanese)
Reynoutria japonica f. colorans <July 29, 2014>
(メイゲツソ:meigetuso in Japanese)
C. lasiocarpa <July 29, 2014>
(イワギキョウ:iwagikyo in Japanese)
Pentstemon frutescens <July 29, 2014>
(イワブクロ:iwabukuro in Japanese)
P.miyabei <July 29, 2014>
(メアカンキンバイ:meakankinbai in Japanese)
Geranium erianthum <July 29, 2014>
(チシマフウロ:chisimafuuro in Japanese)
Parnassia palustris<July 29, 2014>
(ウメバチソ:umebachiso in Japanese)
Fruit of lingonberry : V. vitis-idaea <July 29, 2014>
(コケモモ:kokemomo in Japanese)

INDEX      Record of hiking